Get out and get active! Learn a new sport, take an aerobicsclass, improve a current hobby, or get certified in an American Red Crosscourse. Nashville Metro Parks and Recreation is proud to offer a variety of classes at multiple facilities throughout the city. Choose from a wide variety of opportunities, including aquatics, dance, fitness, music, skating,tennis, theater and the visual arts. We have it all!.

Locating a Specific Activity

Enter the Activity Name or Catalog ID to quickly narrow down your search results.

If you know the Catalog ID of the specific activity you would like to view, type it in the search text to display the activity.

Locating a Specific Activity

You can also search for more than one activity if you separate your text with commas.

For example, searching for '9834.401, Basketball' will return results for a Catalog ID of '9834.401' As well as activities containing the word 'Basketball' .

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